
Stop Looking Back

Flexcar magazine ad in Parquet Mag

Company: Flexcar


Role: Creative Director, Designer


Client: Flexcar

Flexcar is the smart way to save some green


  • Design Direction

  • Photo Styling

  • Art Direction

  • Photography

In happy collaboration with:

Douglas Sullivan, Copywriter; David Ziegler-Voll, ECD;


Stop Looking Back

Magazine ad, editorial


My team at Flexcar had the opportunity to develop a full page print ad in Parquet Mag, the official magazine of the Boston Celtics, as a benefit of our paid partnership with them. The exact ask was to take our price comparison graphic (a piece of creative we already had, which has not been very successful) and resize it to fit the specs.

In addition to completing the initial request, I put together multiple additional concepts that I believed would perform better based on magazine advertising best practices. After I walked the broader team through really clever and engaging magazine advertisement examples, and talking through why they worked, they were excited to get to the Flexcar ads that felt much more creative and clever. In concert with our talented copywriter, I was able to sell the strongest creative direction. The ad was similar to the initial ask in concept (comparing ownership to Flexcar) but achieved the comparison result in a much more clever way. The green theme within the ad is a play on our partner, the Celtics’ signature green color, and also a reference to savings for our customers.

As the creative director on this assignment, I:

  • Brainstormed, compiled a visual and conceptual inspiration document, and sketched

  • Developed & designed multiple concepts with imagery

  • Massaged the copy concept in tight collaboration with the copywriter

  • Sold the best idea to internal stakeholders

  • Finalized & sent to print


A mind map is meant for loosely generating new ideas by word association

I used only enough color to communicate the concept at this fidelity

Very rough sketches — only worked to the fidelity needed to communicate the idea to the copywriter