

Company: Conflare Studio


Role: Art Director, Senior Designer


Client: Conflare Studio

A small but mighty powerhouse of creatives, Conflare has been forging digital brands and websites since 2004. No problem is too big for their all-star team: where egos take a back seat so that clients can shine.


  • Illustration

  • Hand-lettering

  • Photography

  • Copywriting

  • Brand Strategy

  • Logo Design

  • UX Design

  • Web Design

My absolutely stellar team:

Timeca Briggs, Creative Director; Randy Steiger, Technical Director; Julie Impola, Lead Developer; Yaw Asare, Developer; Jon Hecky, Developer


Conflare Studio


Since 2015, I have had the joy of working on Conflare Studio’s brand internally. Conflare is a small creative studio in the heart of West Seattle that offers brand design, web design, copywriting, web development, UX design, and through their sister brand, photography.

In 2018, my team worked to rebrand the studio with a new logo and website. I managed the project, led a team of junior designers and collaborated with the creative director to produce the full branding and collateral for the studio. I held stakeholder interviews, worked closely with the creative director to version and finalize a multi-page creative brief, created custom illustrations, hand-lettered the logo design, contributed candid photographs of our team and set the image styles for the site.


Logo Before

Logo After