
Don't buy a car

Don’t buy a car

Company: Flexcar


Role: Art Director, Designer


Client: Flexcar

Flexcar is disrupting the automobile industry by rethinking what it means to have your own car. The central idea? Don’t buy.


  • Video Art Direction

  • Graphic Design

  • Art Direction

  • Design Direction

My rootin-tootin team:

David Ziegler-Voll, Creative Director; Ryan Lindner, Motion Designer; Douglas Sullivan, Copywriter; Khalen Roye, Visual Deisgner


Don’t buy a car — Flexcar.


Since car ownership is so engrained in the American psyche, the message “Don’t buy a car” feels a bit jarring — stopping you in your tracks. The fact is that your two most expensive assets in life are your home and your car. Your home consistently increases in value. Your car depreciates the minute you drive it off the lot, and regardless of how frequently you drive it after that. The “Don’t buy a car” campaign lit up billboards across Nashville and Boston with both still images and videos.

My role in this campaign was to ideate and brainstorm to come up with the campaign tagline with my team, and then provide the design and art direction for all channels. Highlighting the word “buy” in Flexcar’s signature aqua color has the double effect of emphasizing it within the sentence (Don’t buy a car) and subliminally messages to the reader “buy Flexcar” if you only read the aqua words. The logo is used here as the answer to “Don’t buy a car” — creating greater brand awareness around Flexcar as a verb. The entire ad is set against deeper colors of the Flexcar palette to create a more premium look and feel. The car is given some dimension to create the illusion that it’s moving through the ad even in the still LED billboards or social media graphics.

I created stills for the video director to animate for a 15 second soundless video ad that played in kiosks on Fifth and Broadway in Nashville. My designer created location-specific ads for social media based on these OOH graphics. All of this work was done with the input of the creative director.


Nashville Fifth + Broadway LED billboard

Boston i93 LED sign


Nashville Fifth + Broadway 15sec animated kiosks

Nashville Fifth + Broadway kiosk video


Using the billboards as a guide, my visual designer was able to translate the concept into paid social media in both story and in-feed ads. He created them using 7 car models and customized to the market’s sport team preference — which was the ask from the marketing team.